There are three components to the distribution of the CCC, the first being The Fundação Príncipe. Our local conservation NGO partner is implementing terrestrial and marine conservation projects across the island, in partnership with regional authorities and local communities.
YOU make all the difference
At Príncipe Collection, each visit weaves you into the island's enduring story. Through our Conservation and Communities Contribution (CCC), your stay at Roça Sundy, Bom Bom or Sundy Praia becomes a force for sustainable development with a lasting impact.
Every night spent on this enchanting land dedicates €25 per guest (ages 13+) to protecting Príncipe’s vibrant ecosystems, uplifting local communities, and preserving the delicate balance between nature and people.
With your support, essential sustainability projects thrive, safeguarding Príncipe’s untamed beauty and empowering its people to keep the island’s spirit alive, ensuring that its magic endures for generations to come.

Our achievements in numbers
Preserving Nature:
We protect and care for over 1,700 hectares of Príncipe’s natural landscapes.
Supporting Local Employment:
Nearly 10% of Príncipe’s adults work with us — that’s around 500 of our 600 total team members.
Investing in Team Growth:
We’ve provided over 20,670 hours of training, investing €325,000 since 2022.
Empowering Local Talent:
We've reduced our expatriate workforce by about 40% since 2019 to foster local leadership.
Providing Medical Care:
Our Medic Clinic offers about 2,500 hours of consultations annually for our team, their families, and communities.
Partnering with Fundação Príncipe:
A local, independent non-profit established in collaboration with HBD.
Funding Community Projects:
Our Conservation and Communities Contribution has raised nearly €400,000 since October 2021.
Recycling Efforts:
We’ve recycled over 52 tons of glass across Príncipe’s communities since 2023.
The three components to the distribution of the CCC
Educational support (25%)
Individuals, organisations and schools in Príncipe receive support for a wide range of educational activities.

Environmental and social support (25%)
Individuals, organisations and communities in Príncipe receive support for environmental and social initiatives and events.

Read our annual sustainability report
We are committed to transparency. Therefore, HBD Príncipe publishes (no later than 31 March each year) an annual report detailing the amount of Conservation and Communities Contribution received from guests and how it was utilised. We recognise our guests’ tangible, positive impact. Príncipe appreciates you.